Privacy Policy


Your membership is important to us, and we want to ensure that you have a clear understanding of our terms and conditions. By participating in the WILDMAN Moolah Club, you agree to abide by the following terms:

  1. Protection of Personal Information

WILDMAN adheres to the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act No. 4 of 2013 (POPIA), which is designed to safeguard personal data. We take data protection seriously and collect only necessary information to provide club benefits and rewards. Your data is used solely for club purposes.

  1. Data Usage and Privacy

Your personal information will not be shared with third parties except for providing club benefits. You have the right to request updates or deletion of your stored data. By remaining a member, you grant permission to manage your account and communicate regarding your rewards, partner transactions, and WILDMAN endorsements.

  1. Termination

If you choose to terminate your WILDMAN Moolah Club membership, please contact us at [email protected]. We respect your choices and will process your request accordingly.

  1. Third-Party Sharing

Your personal information may be shared with third-party service providers to promote products benefiting WILDMAN customers. These products will always be WILDMAN ENDORSED, and your privacy remains a priority.

  1. Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We value your trust and are committed to serving you as a member of the WILDMAN family.



Thank you for being part of the WILDMAN Moolah Club!

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